EOFY = End Of Fad Diets & Yo-Yo Dieting
EOFY is End of Financial Year and we are also proposing an End of Fad Diets and Yo-Yo Dieting.
EOFY. End Of Financial Year and End of Fad Diets and Yo-Yo Dieting.
At tax time we gather our income and expenditures, level our checks and balances over the year, make an appointment with the accountant and submit to the tax department.
For some, these numbers come as a surprise, with little thought going into squaring books in the previous 12 months.
Somewhat like New Year’s Eve. A time of reflection on goals from 1 year ago, with little thought into the previous 12 months. Some of these goals may have been health related.
So, if an extreme dietary regime / unsustainable program or weight loss followed by weight regain has been on your list of checks and balances this year, maybe this is a good time to revisit your approach.
This is a good time to take an inventory of what’s working, what’s able to be sustained in the long term, what barriers are in the way.
EOFY is about focusing on healthy eating and exercise behaviours, meal planning, organisation, having a program which controls hunger, is nutritious and is sustainable.
This compares to short term, restrictive eating, weight loss and subsequent weight gain.
Like visiting your accountant to stay accountable, a dietitian specialising in healthy eating habits helps to keep you avoiding fad diets and yo yo dieting, and keeps you accountable through the year, not just at EOFY.