Eyes on Diabetes. What are you focusing on?
Eyes on Diabetes. What are you focusing on?
This week it is World Diabetes Day.
The theme for this year is "Eyes on Diabetes". This campaign raises awareness about eye damage complications from diabetes.
Continuing on this theme of "Eyes on Diabetes", this post looks at (pun intended) what we are focusing on.
In my practise, I set goals collaboratively with my clients. This means that we are looking at the same thing (on the same page), and often centres around blood glucose or weight control. The plan we decide on is then made up of bite size chunks of strategy that make a change towards achieving this goal, or goals. In particular, attention to behaviours, to achieve the goal of weight or glucose control needs to be the focus.
When we have a goal, each meal, each snack, each shopping trip and each exercise session has more meaning. This is what gets the ball rolling and helps stay focused, particularly when life gets busy, or we go off track.
There are a number of pieces of the puzzle making up the right diet for diabetes. These include what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat. Fats, fibre, salt, protein, the amount (including carbohydrate counting) and type of carbohydrate (glycemic index), including sugar, are all important pieces of this puzzle. I've written before about the issue of focusing on the most important thing that is going to make a difference.
At the appropriate time, these factors need to be focused on, and consideration also made for the big picture. This is akin to looking though the camera lens and narrowing the view into a small frame, but also recognising that the view is part of the bigger picture. Focusing on the small and the big things.
Focusing on successful changes, and what wins my clients have had when choosing from a menu, when shopping, or in the kitchen since my last review is empowering.
That's what I'm focusing on.
That's what keeps them focused too.
In my next post titled "Dietary Blind Spots" I continue on this theme of what we are looking at, in particular, when we focus on one thing, what are we simultaneously missing?
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